

[:en]National Taiwan University of Science, Architecture Department[:][:Tw]國立臺灣科技大學建築系[:]

[:en]As a professional program in architecture, Department of Architecture of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has been regarded as one of the best architecture educational institutions in Taiwan. The courses of undergraduate program prepare students for the future in the field of architecture. It emphasizes on developing professional design abilities through a series of design studio courses. The graduate program provides opportunities for advanced study and training potential leaders in both professional and academic in the architectural field. Our department also offers special programs to enrich its curriculum to promote internationalization and enhance English proficiency and international perspective. There is an exchange program between NTUST and California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Besides, our department will continue to extend its invitation to the scholars worldwide.

In order to improve the domestic architectural industry environment and architectural engineering technology, to enhance engineering quality, to promote international technical exchange, and to assist the internal status of Taiwan’s architectural industry, our department dedicates to the integration of theoretical and practical applications and interdisciplinary issues. Because of the changes of architecture, our department is also devoted in the application of information technology, ecological engineering methods, prevention of disasters, and sustainable development. We hope to explore a new future for our graduates[:][:Tw]國立臺灣科技大學建築系推動自造文化,也創建數位構築教育,更設立數位自造實驗室,希望透過建築設計教育的再造計畫,經由嶄新的數位教學機具輔助,以全新的模式、符合數位世代的方法,重新進行建築設計課程的創建與規劃,期許透過自動化與數位化機具輔助,進行參數化設計的深入分析與研究,我們認為這是數位時代新的契機與機會,同時也是必行必經的方向,因此數位設計實驗室透過嶄新的機具與教學方法達成建築設計教育再造計畫的最根本目的,藉以創造設計新時代的價值。 國立臺灣科技大學建築系同時以實現最適合台灣社會的現代化建築教育為目標,規劃多元化且可相互轉換的管道與機制,整合實務能力與學術專業知識兩方面的訓練,讓學生體會到建築與社會整體環境的互動關係,進而引發對各相關專業的學習動機,發展出多樣化、實務性及具競爭力的教育特色,追求技職教育的卓越與創新,配合國內科技產業需求與未來發展目標,培育具多元技能且優質的技職人才,確保產業穩定發展,提升我國科技在國際上的競爭力。 初期發展重點在於跨領域及學門研究,傳統建築多獨立於其他領域之外,中期目標希能促進領域間教學研究,不僅可收教學整合、擴大學生視野之效,亦可增進教師學養。 長期目標將促進跨學門教學研究,並與國際科技產業校系合作,將延伸跨領域學門教學研究作法至國際合作,積極發展科技交流機會讓人文與科技結合,國立臺灣科技大學以科技為名,以此為特色,為求人文科技均衡發展,輔助具技職背景學生學習,並同時考量人文(如建築史、建築理論課程)與科技研究整合。 在研究發展方面則強調理論與實際結合及跨領域之科技整合,期能以研究成果改善臺灣建築產業環境、改進建築工程技術與提高建築工程品質並促進國際科技技術交流,提高我國建築產業在國際上之地位。而由於近年來為因應建築產業之變遷,目前也積極朝向資訊科技之應用、生態工法與防災工程、永續建築等方向發展,期能為國立臺灣科技大學建築系畢業生之未來開創另一片天地。[:]


Stichting Modulus (NL)

[:en]Stichting Modulus was founded in 2014 as an arts platform that focuses on innovative, grassroots projects that engage the public, challenge and confront, ask questions, and offer a different outlook and philosophy on how we can exist in today’s society. We are committed to engaging with the community at large, nationally and internationally, and creating the space, time, and context for people to slow down and reflect. We are also committed to investing in the future, through our own means or by collaborating with schools, universities, and organizations to offer alternative perspectives to the younger generation. Through our activities, we seek to function as a bridge between different worlds and audiences, bringing together, for example, established contemporary art with the underground, publics from disparate spheres and locations, diverse media and approaches. We have a very broad approach to media and discipline, and seek to partner with likeminded initiatives that help inform but also challenge us, and widen our reach and impact. In seeking these partnerships, we are in search of true collaborations where ideas are discussed and shared, where openness to diverging or opposing opinions is fundamental, inviting the influence and evolution they can have on us.[:][:][:Tw]創始於2014 的 Stichting Modulus 是一個關注公眾及草根議題,推動具創意性和批判性藝術作品和行為的平台。Stichting Modulus 的一系列活動主動切入包含地方和國際等不同層面的社會問題,以及不同尺度的共有共享意識,進而來形成一種讓個體能夠放慢思考和體驗的時空環境,改變既有行為和觀念。Stichting Modulus 一個重要的目標是透過和學校和大專院校等教育機構的合作來啟發及孕育年輕人對於未來的前衛觀念和想像,同時也促進現代藝術和另類文化之間橫跨不同地點,時空,介面等溝通的橋樑。Stichting Modulus 重視藝術的實驗性,媒介的多樣性,以及合作的廣泛性,相信過程中意見和方法的差異性是突破既有概念和模式必要的動力。 Stichting Modulus 當下最重點的活動是一年一度在荷蘭海牙市舉辦的 Modern Body Festival,邀請國際藝術領域中著名藝術家來面對大眾發表或發展特殊且有意義的作品。2014 年首季的活動ModernBody 合作對象包括教育,文化,商業界等組織,包括文化產業空間再利用之管理,前衛獨立電子音樂中心,聲音藝術和研究中心,音樂學院和大學中不同專業的系等等。 ModernBody 的基礎在於實驗性的藝術工作,包含裝置,表演,互動,聲音,影像,音樂,戲劇等領域。主導人有過多樣跨領域合作經驗,例如和叛逆的戲劇組織,實驗性質的波普戲劇團隊,紀錄片拍攝製片人,另類文化代表組織,荷蘭國內以及國際文化交流和教育機構( 美國的西雅圖,阿根廷的布宜諾斯艾利斯,奧地利的格拉茨等)。參與創作和演出的人包括荷蘭國內和國際視覺藝術家,舞 蹈家,音樂家,電影製作人,多媒體和混合媒體藝術家,表演藝術家,建築師,受專業領域訓練的學生等,還有社會工作團體以及教育家的積極參與。[:]


[:en]Shih Chin University, Architecture Design Department[:][:Tw]實踐大學建築設計學系[:]

[:en]Shih Chien University’s Architecture Department was officially established in 2002. The department currently offers the degree of Bachelor of Architecture, Master of Architecture. The educational aim of the department’s program is to foster and promote the fundamentals of the architectural praxis founded on the timeless spirit of creative craftsmanship while actively incorporating the latest developments and research done in the field. To that end, the department encourages experimentation and cross-interdisciplinary research and explorations in a variety of media. Basic facilities, – studios, computer workstations, film studios, darkrooms, etc – all equipped to allow students to perform at their optimum, amply support the department’s various workshops in which the students can concentrate on a variety of fabrication techniques. These workshops constitute the core of the program whose pedagogy stresses in equal measure thinking with the hands, the head, and the heart. In order to encourage diverse ways of thinking about architecture – ways other than that which follows solely the logic of economic positivism – the department provides a comprehensive curriculum that is faithful to architecture as a cultural phenomenon whose multi-layered transfunctional significance exceeds the scope of any given category of value. Thus, the department not only offers a wide array of repeating courses in the humanities, the arts, philosophies, classical literature, and competing views of history, but also regularly hosts interdisciplinary seminars led by authorities in other fields such as cinematography, music, literature, sociology, and visual art. The advent of social pluralism in this age of global exchange requires professionals with skills that are founded upon an expansive and responsible view of the past as well as an ethical and adventurous stance toward future possibilities. Ever mindful of its educational mission, Architecture Department at Shih Chien University is committed to providing a solid foundation for all of its students so that, upon graduating, they may serve as progressive agents of positive change and meet the challenges posed by the increasing complexities of urban life that require a new kind of rationality and creativity. As the premier design school in Taiwan, Shih Chien University’s Architecture Department intends to continue to strive to deserve that title of honor by welcoming all forms of beauty and truth-revealing light, regardless of their place of origination. This graduate program allows students with a previous bachelor’s degree to complete the accredited curriculum for a first professional degree in Architecture in three intense years. Emphasis is on the design studio, with a full range of technical and professional courses, and electives in history, theory, and drawing. The program is fully integrated with the undergraduate curriculum. [:]

[:Tw]位居學術文化資源豐 沛台北都會區的實踐大學建築設計學系,設置目標在培養具備建築設計領域之思考視野與設計執行能力之專業人材。教學理念強調「工藝美學」、「人文視野」與 「建築專業」之深化與融合。教學規劃以充分運用結合設計學院相關設計學系教學資源與都會豐富的文化學術資源,塑造整體設計教育跨域多元特色為主軸。 本系教學首重創作工藝(craftsmanship)精神之再創與當代科技結合的空間研究開發及實驗能力,以及根植文化藝術、深化人文薰陶之「人文建築」 教育目標。除嚴謹紮實之專業基礎訓練外,教學著重文學經典閱讀及藝術欣賞課程之安排,並常設跨學域人文藝術講座(含括了電影、音樂、文學、社會學、藝術、 心理等學域之研究),邀請各界先進/專業人士之客座教學並參與校內外成果展演。積極培養學生具國際競爭力之建築創造及跨領域、多方位之技術應用與理論實踐 能力,深化以設計整合科技與人文思潮之整體觀照專業能力與視野。[:]


DEZACT  (London, UK)

[:en]DEZACT is a platform created to speculate and investigate the changing modes of conception, production and consumption of urban space in the post digital era. DEZACT conducts enquiry and experimentation of the role of innovation & design as an interface between cities, information, technology, society and culture. Through a series of events & publications involving workshops, symposium, performance, exhibitions and residencies the platform seeks to engage the contemporary city in negotiation with sociopolitical flux & digital ecologies. The organization operates at the disciplinary intersection of art, architecture, new media and urban studies. DEZACT aims at bringing people from a wide range of backgrounds such as art, architecture, computer science, material research and technology innovation together to participate in a forward-looking debate on the position of technology in art, architecture and culture. It is a platform not only created for conducting research but also for networking, knowledge sharing, education and taking action to reshape our built environment. It seeks to be a multidisciplinary think tank, operating out of Asia, with a global network of researchers, academics and practitioners. The core belief lies in the exploration of design as an instrument for positive change among all strata of the society.[:][:Tw]DEZACT 是一個探索及研究城市間社會,文化,生態變化和數位科技創意介面發展的國際實驗平台。創始於2013,試圖提供一個後數位時代中跨界(國)合作及激盪的機會,DEZACT過去整合了如藝術、建築設計、計算機科學,材料研究和構築工法創新等不同領域,以英國倫敦和台灣台北為主要據點透過一系列的跨國工作營,研討會,專題研究,表演展覽,等知識、技術性之交流方式創造了學術與專業及群眾在科技藝術,建築和文化的交流討論。其目標是期望藉由同時研究先進科技所帶來的新型態空間型式外,能將發展技術導入實際社會議題中,應用並發展一客觀及具批判性的方式,去檢視所謂前衛建築,媒體藝術,都市設計,機械工程,產業發展,生態行為等在不同城市發展的影響,希望透過長期的研究及試驗能真正實行未來城市空間的數位活化。




Space Media Festival organization team member[:][:Tw]





Initiated by

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology I Assistant Professor Shi-Yen Wu

Stichting Modulus I co-founder Stelios Manousakis

DEZACT l co-founder and director Doreen Bernath


 Lead organizer l National Taiwan University of Science and Technology l professor Shen-Guan Shih


Co-organizer I Shih Chein University, Architecture Design department, Yu Chih Hsiao

Executive team I DEZACT (UK) /  Stichting Modulus (NL)



國立台灣科技大學建築系・數位自造實驗室負責人吳細顏 助理教授
荷蘭Stichting Modulus  藝術基金會代表 Stelios Manousakis
英國 DEZACT共同創辦及主持人 Doreen Bernath


承辦主管: 國立臺灣科技大學建築系・系主任 施宣光 教授

協辦主管: 實踐大學建築系系主任 蕭有志                  

協辦指導: DEZACT (UK)

                     Stichting Modulus (NL)
